Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Food Wars: Reno Presented by the Travel Channel

Big. Scrumptious. Delicious. Hot. Tasty! These are only a few of the words that describe the one and only Awful Awful hamburger!

Awful Awful

So about a week ago, I received a call from a New York production company about the Travel Channel production Food Wars. Have you ever heard of it? Apparently it’s this amazing television show that bouts local varieties of well-known food against each other. For example, on a past episode, local Philadelphia shops were pitted against each other in a taste off of their unique varieties of cheese steak. Yum! Anyway, the producers heard about the Biggest Little City’s famous Awful Awful and sent a crew to capture it in HD.

Awful Awful
It was my duty to shoot b-roll with a very familiar HVX-200! Did I mention, I LOVE that camera!
