Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Of Curiosity and the Discovery Channel

Remember when you were a little kid and life seemed to pass so slow? How the dastardly clock in fifth period grade school would tick by at a snails pace? Compare that to now. This past month and a half has flown so fast! Between photo assignments, video productions, editing, and traveling, I can still feel the whiplash!

Below is a snippet from a video production that I assisted.

So, "Curiosity." A couple of months ago, I received a call for the Discovery Studios program. A long story short and fast forward to a week and a half ago and a 6:30am call time later, I was assigned assistant duties to the show's Associate Producer. Therefore, at least on this shoot, the only camera I got to shoot with was my Panasonic LX3 for production stills.

The DP for Curiosity
Featured is the DP videoing the host of Curiosity using the 5D Mark II.

More after the jump...

The DP for Curiosity
The crew minus the executive producer and two associate producers, after a take. Featured in the background is Lake Tahoe's Emerald Bay.

Three days and a helicopter later we wrapped production! Fun shoot. Airdate: TBA 2011.


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